Sunday, December 29, 2019

UT Austin Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

With an acceptance rate of just 39 percent, the University of Texas at Austin is one of the more selective public universities in the country. As the data presented here reveals, admitted students typically have both grades and SAT/ACT scores that are well above average. Why the University of Texas? Location: Austin, TexasCampus Features: The Main Buildings tower stands 307 feet above UT Austins attractive 423-acre main campus. The university also has a large research campus in North Austin.Student/Faculty Ratio: 18:1Athletics: The Texas Longhorns compete in the NCAA Division I Big 12 Conference.Highlights: With over 50,000 students, UT Austin is one of the largest universities in the country. The school is an excellent value for in-state students, and McCombs is one of the best business schools for undergraduates. Acceptance Rate For students entering the University of Texas at Austin in the 2018-19 academic year, the acceptance rate was 38.52%. This means that for every 100 applicants, about 39 will receive acceptance letters and 61 will be rejected. Admissions Statistics (2018-19) Number of Applicants 50,575 Percent Admitted 38.5% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled 46% SAT Scores and Requirements The University of Texas at Austin requires all applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their applications. For students entering the university in the 2018-19 academic year, 78.3% submitted SAT scores. UT Austin SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 620 720 Math 610 760 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing If you compare SAT scores for top Texas colleges and universities, youll see that only Rice University is more selective than UT Austin. For the evidence-based reading and writing exam, the middle 50% of applicants scored between 620 and 720. 25% of applicants scored a 620 or lower, and at the upper end, 25% scored a 720 or higher. On the math exam, the middle 50% scored between 610 and 760. This tells us that 25% scored a 610 or lower, and 25% scored a 760 or higher. The most competitive applicants at UT Austin will have SAT scores in the 1400s or higher. National SAT data show us that most successful applicants have SAT scores that are in the top 25% of all test-takers. Requirements The University of Texas at Austin does not require SAT Subject Tests, nor does it require the optional SAT essay exam. That said, it can be to your advantage to take the essay exam for your score can be used for class placement purposes. If youve taken the SAT more than once, UT Austin will super-score and use your highest math and ERW scores even if they are from different test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements All applicants to UT Autin must take the SAT or the ACT. The ACT is the less popular of the two exams with 55.5% of applicants submitting scores (many students submit scores from both exams). UT Austin ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 26 35 Math 26 32 Composite 27 33 According to national ACT score data, the great majority of students who enroll at UT Austin rank in the top 15% of all test-takers. The middle 50% of admitted students had scores ranging between 27 and 33. This tells us that the bottom 25% of students had scores of 27 or lower, and the top quartile scored a 33 or higher. You will be most competitive at UT Austin with an ACT score in the 30s. Requirements UT Austin does not require the optional ACT writing exam, nor does the university require students to take any SAT Subject Tests if they take the ACT. The university encourages applicants to submit scores from all ACT exams theyve taken, for the admissions office will consider the strongest section scores even if they are from different test dates. GPA and Class Rank The University of Texas at Austin does not publish GPA data of admitted students, but you can see from the self-reported applicant data below that nearly all admitted students have grades in the B range or higher. Strong A averages are the norm. The university does publish class rank data, and 84.9% of applicants were in the top 10% of their high school class, and 95.3% were in the top 25%. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph UT Austin Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph.   Graph courtesy of Cappex. The GPA, SAT score, and ACT score data in the graph was self-reported by the actual applicants to the University of Texas. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances As the graph above shows, the higher your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, the better your chances of getting in. That said, realize that hidden beneath the blue and green on the graph is a lot of red—some students with excellent transcripts and strong standardized test results still get rejected from the University of Texas. The opposite is also true—a number of students were accepted with test scores and grades a bit below the norm. This is because the University of Texas has holistic admissions, so the admissions officers are considering qualitative as well as quantitative information. Students who show some kind of interesting talent or have a compelling story to tell will often get a close look even if grades and test scores arent quite up to the ideal. A winning essay, strong letters of recommendation, and interesting extracurricular activities can all be important pieces of a successful application. For its many strengths, UT Austin earned a place among the top Texas colleges, top South Central colleges, and top national public universities. Why Does UT Austin Reject Strong Students? Plenty of students with GPAs and standardized test scores that are on target for the university fail to be admitted. The rejection of a seemingly qualified student can be the result of many factors: lack of depth or accomplishment in extracurricular activities; failure to demonstrate leadership ability; a lack of challenging AP, IB or Honors courses; a sloppy admissions essay; and more. Also, out-of-state applicants will face a higher admissions bar than Texas students.   Be sure to strengthen your application by submitting an optional activities resumà © and optional letters of recommendation. Sources: Graphs from; all other data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the UT Austin Office of Admissions, and the UT Austin Common Data Set.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Finance and Economy

Introduction Alcohol abuse and its associated problems cost society many billions of dollars every year. Economics have attempted to calculate the monetary damage that has resulted from the alcohol abuse. These damages include expenditures on alcohol-related problems and opportunities that are lost because of alcohol. Two problems are particularly directly related to the case of alcohol abuse. First, researchers attempt to identify costs that are directly related to alcohol abuse. Second, many costs resulting from alcohol abuse cannot be measured directly. Researchers use mathematical and statistical methods to guess such costs, yet recognize that it is difficult to calculate them exactly. Moreover, costs of pain and suffering of both people who abuse alcohol and people suffered by them cannot be estimated in any authentic way, and are therefore not considered in most case studies. Elements of economics ways of thinking In this paragraph, we would present a model for analyzing and addressing the problem of alcohol abuse by taking the assumptions of ceteris paribus (other factors remains unchanged) We would take the assumption that if we increase the price of alcohol, the purchasing of alcohol would decrease, ceteris paribus (means other factors do not change like income of the consumers, or price of other substitute products). People would respond to the price hike of alcohol and would like to shift to other substitute products. If the people have to choose betweenShow MoreRelatedDrug Use And Its Effects On The Community1474 Words   |  6 Pages2002. Drug abusers experience several severe health effects ranging from ill-health, general sickness to death. Different drugs used by an individual has different health effects such as cocaine, methamphetamines and even alcohol. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The other characters in the play Essay Example For Students

The other characters in the play Essay The In Sheila had to confess to her mother that Eric is an alcoholic and he that hes truly responsible for Evas death. As soon as Mr. Birling realised that Eric was the father, the revelation came, I dont believe it. I wont believe it Here it shows that Sheila spoken wisely for herself and for the sake of it, let her mother notice that her son isnt what she expected him to be like. So Eric feels shocked and worried as soon as he finds out that they knew he was the father when they all stare at him at the end of the Act Two and Eric says, You know, dont you? In this part, everyone is staring at Eric as if it was The Inspector planning that incident. Therefore the presence of The Inspector makes everyone feel disappointed and bitter when reacting towards Eric. J. B. Priestly chose to end the scene like that because it creates suspense and tension e. g. curtain falls. Dramatic irony is also a part of the play because the family and the Inspector guessed Eric was also responsible whereas Eric never knew that they realised it already. This makes the audience feel shocked, amused and curious. Furthermore, Priestly uses euphemism to grab the readers attention and keeps them interested in experiencing the excitement of the situation that is taking place. Therefore the differences between the ways the characters react are that Mr and Mrs Birling dont really care about the suicidal incident because they only contemplate their business a lot and are two very inconsiderate individuals who feel that they have no responsibility whatsoever for Evas death. Nevertheless Sheila and Eric feel anxious, frustrated and disappointed because they know their particularly responsible and can feel the guilt within them. However, Gerald is the only one who has given bounteousness towards Eva Smith because he cares about and was affectionate towards Daisy Renton. Gerald did the best he could to support and help the miserable Daisy by providing her money and accommodation but wasnt enough to hold the relationship. Unfortunately he left her in isolation and now he feels sorry for Daisy, although he gets hold of Sheilas respect. Priestley used some important themes for the play such as responsibility and classes (upper and lower, richer and poorer). One of the themes principally included is the class of society (upper and working class) where Mr and Mrs Birling fit in becoming an upper class society while the youngsters Sheila and Eric belong in the working class section. This is also relevant to historical events because poverty during that period was a major inconvenience as affluent people denied assistance to poor people however political parties stated to supply welfare. Priestley illustrates that no matter how rich or poor you may be, you are no different from each other and that you should help each other to make this community a better place. At the end of the play, the family discovered that Inspector Goole was a counterfeiter. As soon as the Inspector left the house when his interrogation came to a conclusion, the phone rang and a voice answered that a girl has committed suicide in a tragic way. This was clear to them that the Inspector was some find of spiritual life form that maybe went back to the future nevertheless the majority of the readers believe it might have been the mouthpiece of Priestley. In conclusion, the contrast between Sheilas and the familys reaction towards The Inspector is that in the beginning of the play, Sheila was deeply affected and anxious while the others handled their thoughts and response with ease and tolerance. As the story progressed, they all felt dishonour and guilt because of how The Inspector responded and used the technique to make them all confess.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Breakfast free essay sample

Having breakfast every morning is more important than having a personal relationship with God. This is the way I used to think. My first two years of high school I would make sure I had time to eat breakfast every morning, but I never made time for God. I never prayed, read the bible or asked Him for help with anything. I had taken my nine years of Christian education and exchanged it for what the world had to offer. For the first time in my life I had no Christian influences except for my parents, and even they couldn’t make much of an impact on me because I refused to talk to them about important things. I searched for other activities like swearing, music, and a girlfriend. I thought I had it all figured out, but one summer it all ended. I had a group of friends I liked hanging out with but the problem was that everyone in that group had decided to date someone in that group leaving no one single. We will write a custom essay sample on Breakfast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The girls in this group were all friends with each other before so when I decided that the relationship with my girlfriend wasn’t working out everyone in that group sympathized for my ex-girlfriend. The group decided it was too awkward for me to hang around with the group and since she was always with the group I was left with no friends. Yet God didnt turn on me and laugh, saying this is what I deserved. I began to talk to my parents about my life and what I was going through. I told my best friend what had gone on and how he could help. I attending an evening church service called the Altar at Westbrook and their Wednesday night youth group. For the first time in high school, I had someone I could go to with problems that I was going through. Talking with my best friend about a problem I had and, along with other things like praying and reading the Bible, helped me get over my sin and bring me closer and deeper with God. This stirred up my heart for God and brought me a pea ce like I had known before high school. I realized that although God allows us to live freely a life without Him involved in our lives is not one worth living. He wants us to have an intimate relationship with him and making time for him is something that will strengthen this relationship.